Utility data collection

Utility data collection

Utility data collection

Discover how sustainability and ESG teams leverage Nectar's utility data management platform in their daily workflow.

Discover how sustainability and ESG teams leverage Nectar's utility data management platform in their daily workflow.

Discover how sustainability and ESG teams leverage Nectar's utility data management platform in their daily workflow.

nectar flow
nectar flow
nectar flow

Connects to your data

Ingest utility data from anywhere. Nectar reads online utility accounts, bills sent via email, and paper bills.

Achieves 99.2% accuracy

Using state of the art AI, Nectar attains unprecedented levels of accuracy for utility bill processing.

Enables your sustainability team

Nectar brings the best out of your tools and teams by building trust in the data. Export directly to any carbon accounting platform.

Simple onboarding process

The onboarding process involves 3 steps. For organizations with approximately 500 utility accounts it takes less than 2 weeks. No hidden implementation fees.

  1. Connect utility accounts to Nectar

Connect any utility account in the world to Nectar.

  1. Monitor your data in one place

View gaps in your data and audit your bills.

  1. Export and analyze your utility data

Export your data for carbon accounting and Energy Star.

Learn more about utility
data collection challenges

How hard can data collection get? What are the organizational risks? What has worked for companies? We've got it all down.

accurate carbon accounting
accurate carbon accounting
accurate carbon accounting

Carbon accounting requires accurate utility data collection

Carbon accounting has 3 steps: data collection, emissions calculation, and data reporting. Error rates of 10% in data collection compound into worse error in the CDP report.

Garbage in, garbage out.

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utility data collection alternatives
utility data collection alternatives
utility data collection alternatives

Best utility data management and collection platform comparison

We've evaluated all potential strategies for precise data gathering: ranging from educating all EHS managers to starting offshore labor teams.

Our assessment considers the expense, time-commitment, and risks to organizations.

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ESG program manager

Fortune 500 Construction Company

“Thank you for building Nectar, especially for sustainability teams! We went from not having data to understanding our global energy consumption in weeks.”

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Ready to get started with Nectar?

Try your utility bill on our live demo or get in touch

Try your utility bill on our live demo or get in touch